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My name is Megan and if you know me circa 2005, this might be shocking! Considering I didn’t want children and loved to party!


But, I grew up! 

I’m beyond passionate about educating anyone who will listen, about cutting toxic chemicals from their lives. Whether it’s food, personal care products, makeup, cleaning products or ANYTHING else that could contain harmful ingredients… I’m here to talk about it! I’ve been wanting to share ALL of these things via my blog and am FINALLY getting it done. Who’s EXCITED? ME! 


Let’s dive into my business first, Beautycounter! You can read more about my journey over the last 4 years HERE!  What I do is most important to me. Working to provide for my family while literally changing the world is exactly where I am supposed to be!  It may have taken me years to realize this!


I don’t have many passions besides my family & living a safer life! So here are some fun facts! 

I am addicted to Candy Crush (sad, I know but it was my breastfeeding game for all of my children & currently Holt) 

I’ve spent a minimum of 5 years of my life breastfeeding so far, it'll be around 7 when I'm done!

I LOVE my passion planner and can’t manage life without it. I love to practice hand lettering, when life gives me time. 

I love yoga, but haven’t been practicing much over the last few years. I've just signed up for a Mom & Baby Yoga class that I can't wait to share more about!  

I am married to Tom since 2011. He’s my best friend and I couldn’t do this life without him. He golfs, fishes and coaches all the kid’s sports. He truly is a caring human that takes very good care of his family!

Adisen was born into this world in 2010. She’s the perfect mixture of my dramatic flare and Tom’s loud personality! She loves to dance and will attempt any sport you give her! Dance being the top fave! She’s spunky and wild but gives so much love to everyone! 


Tate was born in 2013 and is our calm, careful child. He is smart as a whip and loves video games. He is always kind, unless you poke at him until he gets angry. (Tom does this well) Then he pretty much loses it LOL He’s always taking the safe route and making sure everyone knows it! He loves hockey and wants to be a goalie! If I die of a heart attack at 40, this will be why!  

Daxton was born in 2015 and he is WILD. No fear, ever. Loves every sport especially if he can play it with Dad. He voices his opinion about everything and still climbs into our bed way too often! He is 100% all the time and never slows down. I guess he’s trying to keep up with his older siblings! 


Rainbow Baby Cunningham is due July 23rd after 4 losses. We are SO excited for HIS arrival and can’t wait to complete our little family! 


SO why are YOU here and what can you expect? I assume you are here to learn more about safer & cutting toxic chemicals from your life! I plan to utilize this blog for exactly that. Sharing all my tips tricks and working to educate far and wide! So excited to share this journey with you!

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